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                                        28 March 2020



From this Sunday, we will not be holding our worship service at our Northstar premises. However, the congregation can still worship together, thanks to technology. We cannot be physically gathered but we can worship and participate together in the virtual sphere. We expect this to go on for some time to come. This is the new normal.


Ungathered worship (another new phrase) - this is what churches are moving to. I remember hearing a minister saying that while we keep our social distance, we must maintain the emotional distance. As a church we are not able to meet in person, yet we need to keep the fellowship that we have in Christ. How do we continue to keep one another in mind, and in prayer? How can we encourage one another as commanded in Hebrews 10:25?


Not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.


So I urge our congregation to participate in our Sunday Service Live Stream and with the correct understanding. Though physically separated, this is still corporate worship. At 10 am, we come together via the Live Stream to worship as a church. We are not doing our own private worship, at any time we want, dressed in our pyjamas, eating breakfast and so on. Let's honour the LORD as we worship 'Ungathered' but 'Corporately' at the appointed time. There will still be the corporate singing, prayer in the Service.


For prayer items, I encourage you to send them to me any time throughout the week, so that we can continue to pray for the church family during our Sunday Service as we usually do. Prayer items can be sent to me by WhatsApp, SMS, and email 


This is the 'new normal', dressed up at home and worshipping the LORD in front of a screen. Let not social distancing lead to an emotional distance between the members of GBC. In times like this, all the more we need to pull closer together for encouragement and to get through this pandemic and the disruption and suffering that it brings.


My son, Jeremy, has just returned from UK on 24 March, and is on 14 days Stay Home Notice. Thank the LORD that he is healthy. As a precaution, Teresa and I will not be going to church on Sunday where there are people doing the Live Stream service. We covet your prayers for the well being of our family.


Pastor Dennis


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